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The blueprint for special education today came from a woman born in 1866
Anne Sullivan Macy and Helen Keller are pictured in an old black and white photo in a gardenWe sometimes forget about the people who forged the way for us, who pioneered areas that we now take for granted. Anne Sullivan Macy, a woman born in 1866, worked with Helen Keller and her work became the blueprint for education today for children with disabilities.

Helen Keller wrote about Anne, "By nature she was a conceiver, a trail-blazer, a pilgrim of life's wholeness. So day by day, month after month, year in and year out, she labored to provide me with a diction and a voice sufficient for my service to the blind."

In Anne’s name, The American Foundation for the Blind is drafting special education legislation for vision or hearing loss. 

To read more about Anne Sullivan Macy, visit the article.

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Celebrating Annie Sullivan’s Birthday

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